Guinea Pigs Abyssian and Roan babies several colors in Abilene, Kansas For Sale
Price: $25
Date/Time:24 Apr,
01:30 a.m. EST
Type: Services, For Sale - Private.
Type: Services, For Sale - Private.
We are very knowledgeable breeder of Guinea pigs, We feed the best quality pellets and veggies as well as rotate 4 different types of hay. please call with any questions or orders these are weaned baby's not older or wild they are very nice pets. We only have Abysiannan & Roan thanks so much. We do have many colors of Abysianan & Roan.
We also sell many cage kits which includes the cage, bedding, water bottle, bowl, treat & food, & will come with a FREE guinea pig baby of your choice starting at $86.88 with tax. Please call or email with any questions Thanks
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